Go Paperless

Lets Go Green Together

Each year, the Credit Union is required to hold a meeting for the members of the Credit Union and to provide information to members on the position of the Credit Union. Prior to this meeting we are required to provide a Notice of the Meeting and a copy of the Annual Accounts which is usually done via a booklet.

To produce, package and post a booklet to each member requires a substantial amount of paper. Oftentimes, households can receive 2, 3 or more booklets as one is sent to each member and regardless of how nice the booklet looks, it eventually ends up in the bin (hopefully the recycling one!).

There isn’t a Plan(et) B and we want to play our part in contributing to a sustainable future. We are asking our members to consider signing up for e-reports and instead of receiving a paper copy in your letterbox, an e-copy will be delivered to your inbox.

Go Paperless
Confirm email address
Annual Report Booklet (including Notice of AGM and Annual Accounts)
E-Statements (available through CU Online or CU mobile)
Other Statutory or Regulatory Material

If you would like more information please contact Letterkenny Credit Union today.

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