If you have an existing personal loan or credit agreement with a bank or other lender and wish to avail of Letterkenny Credit Union competitive loan rates, apply today!
If you have an existing personal loan or credit agreement with a bank or other lender and wish to avail of Letterkenny Credit Union competitive loan rates, apply today!
Your loan details have been captured and will be submitted with your enquiry.
Existing registered members can make a full application online or on our mobile app. Alternatively, you can come into our office, we can discuss your needs and proceed with your loan application. If you are not a member you can join us online today.
Please note: if you do not meet the repayments on your loan, your account will go into arrears. This may affect your credit rating, which may limit your ability to access credit in the future.
Warning: This new loan may take longer to pay off than your previous loans. This means you may pay more interest than if you paid over a shorter period.
If you would like more information on applying for a loan with Letterkenny Credit Union please contact us today.
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