
How LKCU prepared for GDPR

How has Letterkenny Credit Union prepared for GDPR?

At Letterkenny Credit Union, we have prepared for GDPR in a proactive manner. We have been actively implementing the changes required in order to remain compliant under the new regulation. We have demonstrated and documented accountability through a number of technical and organisational measures:

  • Letterkenny Credit Union has appointed a Data Protection Officer to oversee the transition into GDPR and act as a point of contact for members, staff and the supervisory authority. Our Data Protection Officer oversees how we collect, use, share and protect your information to ensure your rights are fulfilled.
  • We have reviewed and amended existing application forms and updated them accordingly so that they are aligned with the principles of the GDPR – Data Minimisation & Privacy by Design
  • We have reviewed and updated Letterkenny Credit Union data protection policies and also provided a data protection privacy notice which has been made available to all staff and members
  • We have conducted a data audit to identify all personal data held by Letterkenny Credit Union and recorded the legal basis for processing such data
  • Staff training
  • We have contacted any data processors we share information with to ensure they too are GDPR compliant
  • We have revised internal controls and undertaken GDPR readiness assessments
  • CCTV systems have been reviewed to ensure the use of CCTV is proportional and justified for the purpose it was installed

Letterkenny Credit Union has always appreciated your trust in us to collect, process and protect your information. As a data controller and processor of your personal data, we will continue to:

  • Operate in a transparent manner in relation to how we safeguard and use your personal date
  • Develop on our strong risk culture by acting responsibly and putting your security at the front of our priorities
  • Manage our controls, processes and systems to improve our level of customer service while providing you with the assurance that your information is safe and secure; and conduct our business in a fair and transparent way and ensure we minimise the risk of unfair outcomes for our customers or impact on their data rights and freedoms.

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